
🔗 Practice the future

practice is a commitment to a process, not a predetermined outcome. And the outcome was not what I predicted.

Viewing the future fatalistically isn’t helpful. Prenteding you can trol the entire outcome is equally helpful. But the insistence on nudging, influencing, and practicing is a nice balance between the two, setting realistic expectations.

Serving as a kind of midwife to change is a magical experience. The opportunities I’ve had to build close and trusting relationships with people, both my reports and others—when I’ve been able to listen deeply, sit with someone through big feelings, or ask open questions and discover the insight that bubbles up—have been the most rewarding parts of my career. The times when I’ve missed the chance to do that represent my greatest regrets.

The analogy of midwifery is perfect. Supporting others as new features are brought into the world. I think this emphasis on coaching resonates with me.